Saturday, February 27, 2010

Don't Stop 'Till You Get Enough
This week was great! I feel like I'm tapping into that
area that I normally only go to in competition
more and more.


Combat 5k: 4th overall 19:31
Rough race!

Max DL: 295
Max Press: 135

2:30 Max Burpees For time:

3 Rounds:
2 rounds Cindy (5 pullups,10 pushups, 15 squats)
10 HSC @ 115lbs



Brandi Maler had the task of getting faster for three rounds of max rest 100m row. If she got faster each round I told her I would do 20 burpees a round. She got faster every time!

60 Burpees Unbroken

DL @ 185
Med-Ball Slams



3k Row
I didn't even pay attention to time just good row.

5x5 HPC-PushPress

Worked On HPS

I think working on Snatch and HPS at low weight sometimes is good so you can work on form. I feel like I am dialing snatch in now really well. I can feel the bar go right past my freaking nose when it comes up and it feels very effortless in the lock out.



Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Man oh man Rangler


Bench Press

2x10 @ 135

10 @ 155

1 @ 205

5@ 185

5 @ 175

10 @ 165

To be completely honest there was no rhym or reason behind any of this.

300 set First Teer



5k Row

5 rounds:
10 Hang Squat Cleans @ 115
10 Burpees
10 Pull-ups

This was awesome cause it was completely even on every movement.

4 rounds:
8 barbell shrugs @ 225
12 GHD

Sunday, February 21, 2010

This week has been crazy. Going backwards:




We tried to replicate the sledge row from '09 games.

400m row
150 medball slams
400m row


( I messed up and we only did 400s even though it was supposed to be 500s)

15min rest



Linda is nuts!


We did the triplet from the '09 Games

8min AMRAP
4 handstand pushups
8 KB swings (Rx-2 pood) all we had was 1.5
12 GHD

I did it one time and got through 4r, and 7 GHD
I didn't feel like I worked as hard as I could so I wanted
to do it again so I did and got through 6r, and 4 KB swings


We did the Chipper from the '09 Games
I had to scale cause I'm weak:

95lbs Squat cleans 15 rep
30 Toes to bar
30 Box Jumps 24in box
15 muscle ups
35lbs dumbell push jerk
95lbs thruster 15 reps
30 pullups
30 burpees
300ft 45lbs plate overhead walking lunges


That was fun!






Austin Marathon:

Not a good day.

Thursday, February 11, 2010


Push Press: 2x5 @ 145, 155lbs

Clean&Jerk: 155,165,175,185

Clean: 195lbs

5k Row


This is the last real CrossFit Day before the Austin Marathon this Sunday, so my goal was to take it to that place where you normally only go during competition. It's generally hard to bridge that gap between training and competition speed and intensity. I feel like I came as close as I could to that without having someone else there.

Bergener Warm-up
1k Row

3 rounds for time:
30 Wall-Ball (20lbs)
30 Hanging Squat Snatch (65lbs)

This was one of the last workouts for the 2009 CrossFit Games. It was done at 75lbs, but with 90 reps I wasn't sure I could do 75 so I scaled to 65lbs.

1k Row

5x5 Bench Press: 155,165,175,185

3x5 Weighted Pullups (45lbs)

Sunday, February 7, 2010

Today was interesting cause my legs just would not do what I wanted them to do.


10x7m hurdle jumps
( if you don't know what that is it's just putting hurdles back to back about a foot apart and jumping them with both feet progressively.) These are actually one of my favorite things and should be put into a met-con cause they would demonstrate serious explosiveness, balance and stability even better than box jumps.

5x7m walking hurdles
(just take the hurdles and put them about a foot apart and walk over them slowly. This is done when you have injuries and done for injury prevention. It's also a good warm-up technique.)

5x Bleachers

Then I ran a little with my dad to cool down/warm-up.


The met-con today was interesting because I was on a monkey bar rack for football, and did the burpees in the dirt and mud out in 45 degree weather. It was the ultimate in CrossFit, because it was done way outside my comfort zone. The ground sucked and the bar was freezing and to thick to wrap a thumb around so it was like a rock climbing grip on the bar. Awesome!

Saturday, February 6, 2010


Yesterday (02.05.10)

5k Row - (19:36)

15min AMRAP:
3 hang power snatch @ 115lbs/95lbs (scaled on 3 round.)

2X 3-pullups 6-pushups 9-boxjumps

6 rounds completed

4X400m run - increasing, max speed on 3rd and max effort on 4th. You wont be able to go as fast on the 4th if you run the 3rd as fast as you can, but you can get pretty close as long as you put out max effort.

4X10 Hang Squat Cleans @ 95lbs

Today (02.06.10):

1k warm-up row
8x500m row on 2:10 repeat interval

5x5 increasing DL

4x400m run ( increasing)

Practice Snatch @ 75lbs 5x5

3x25 GHD
3x25 ABMAT
10 dead hang pullup
25 pushups