Monday, May 24, 2010

Wake up WOD

Easy day getting ready for Regionals

1mile run
3x10 DL @ 135#
2x10 Press w/ 30#s


10 chest to bar
15 push-ups
20 sit-ups
25 squats
2 min rest

I needed a light and easy body weight wod that could just kinda wake me up after two whole days off, without wrecking my body.

Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Tuesday (05.04.10)

400m run
3x10 Ring Dips

5x10 Overhead Squats 105#
5x5 Overhead Squats 135#

Squat Snatch
Chest To Bar Pullups
(Burpees for every time you come off the bar during reps)
50 Burpees

Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Monday( 05.03.10)- 3k row: Active recovery

Sunday( 05.02.10) - Half-Murph : 18:40

Saturday( 05.01.10) - The BCS Games

wod 1:

600m run
30 Box Jumps 24in
30 Kb Swings 53#
600m run
30 Overhead Squats 75#
30 Push Press 75#
600m run

(15:10, or something like that I was dazed. 7th in the event)

wod 2:

3 attempts at a Max Deadlift

(305#) Disappointment! (45th in the event)

wod 3:


Thruster 95#

(5:40, or something death was coming like a freight train at that point. I think 8th overall in the event)