Sunday, October 10, 2010


This is a picture of the second WOD of the day during the double unders.

Well, yesterday for all intensive purposes was a success. My worries about the first WOD turned out to be not a big deal. The 185# cleans were heavy and slowed me down, but I finished and never failed a rep. We don't know for sure the final outcome of the comp, but I know I didn't win. I had fun and am continuing to learn what I need to do to get better.

WOD 1 - 8:52
WOD 2 - 6:24
WOD 3 - 5:10

Combined Score - 20:26

Today- Rest Day


  1. You did great Will, it was awesome working out next to you the whole day. Let's keep training hard and pushing to the top!

  2. you did great man, i told you those cleans were no problem
